Lecture schedule.
The following table provides a brief summary of the tentative topics and a link to a PowerPoint file in pdf format containing the notes. Where errors occur in the notes, updates will be posted as soon as practicable. The notes will be made available prior to lectures where-ever practicable. You will need to use Acrobat Reader to obtain this material as it will be in pdf format.
M. Alley “ The Craft of Scientific Presentations,” Science+Business Media, LLC, ISBN-10: 0-387-95555-0, Springer, 2003.
Robert R. H. Anholt “ Dazzle'em with STYLE - The ART of Oral scientific presentation,” British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data, ISBN-10: 0-12-369452-3, Elsevier Academic Press, 2006.
Susan M. Reinhart “ Giving Academic Presenations,” The university of michigan press, ISBN 978-0472-0884-3, 2002.
G. Reynolds “ presentationzen - simple ideas on presenation and delivery,” ISBN-10: 0-321-52565-5, 2008.
C. Heath and D. Heath “ Made to Stick: Why Some Idea Survive and Others Die,” ISBN-10: 1400064287, 2007.